
SETI@home & Science IRC Links 2019/02/22

SETI@home & Science IRC Links  2019/02/22 https://setiathomeirclinks.blogspot.com/2019/02/setihome-science-irc-links-20190222.html RSS Feeds https://setiathomeirclinks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

“Men and Women wanted for a hazardous distributed computing Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Low wages, bitter false positives, long hours of data crunching, overheating CPU's and GPUs. Safe return doubtful without caffeinated beverages. Honour and recognition in event of technosignal detection.” – ErnestShackleton@setiathome.berkeley.edu

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“It is in our nature to explore, to reach out into the unknown. The only true failure would be not to explore at all.” -- Sir Ernest Shackleton, born on Feb. 15, 1874


2019.02.21 Setizen Gordon Lowe has passed away https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=83932

2019.02.22 Where are all the aliens? Struggling and hustling, just like us https://astronaut.com/where-are-all-the-aliens-struggling-and-hustling-just-like-us/ https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.04450.pdf

2019.02.21 The Pale Blue Dot Celebrates Its 29th Anniversary, Reminding Us How Small And Fragile We Are - From billions of miles away, a faint, single pixel shows us how precious and alone Earth truly is https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/the-pale-blue-dot-celebrates-its-29th-anniversary-reminding-us-how-small-and-fragile-we-are-6c3d48e683d7

2019.02.21 How Israel’s Moon Lander Got to the Launched - With $100 million and a lot of volunteer labor, SpaceIL’s Beresheet spacecraft could be the first privately built vessel to reach the lunar surface https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/21/science/israel-moon-lander-spaceil.html

2019.02.21 MarCO And The Future of CubeSats https://www.manyworlds.space/index.php/2019/02/21/marco-and-the-future-of-cubesats/

Video: Astro Vlog - Reading ANCIENT HISTORY: A fun tradition among astronomers is trying to include the oldest citation possible in their work, especially in their PhD Thesis/dissertation/viva https://www.ifweassume.com/2019/02/video-astro-vlog-reading-ancient-history.html

2019.02.21 How Do You Preserve History On The Moon? https://www.npr.org/2019/02/21/696129505/how-do-you-preserve-history-on-the-moon

2019.02.21 Zombie Stars Shine On after Mystery DetonationsA newly discovered class of odd stars appears to have persevered through supernova explosions—providing a rare glimpse into these astrophysical catastrophes https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/zombie-stars-shine-on-after-mystery-detonations/

2019.02.21 The human body might survive a mission to Mars better than our minds https://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/02/the-human-body-might-survive-a-mission-to-mars-better-than-our-minds

2019.02.22 Could a Space Helicopter Find Life on Saturn's Moon Titan? Hard to say, but it’s not as crazy as it might sound https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/could-a-space-helicopter-find-life-on-saturns-moon-titan/

2019.02.22 Weird hexagonal dune field seen on Mars https://earthsky.org/space/odyssey-weird-hexagonal-dune-field-mars

2019.02.21 First Private Moon Lander Heralds New Lunar Space RaceAn Israeli firm is sending a privately built craft to the Moon—and leading a fresh era of exploration https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/first-private-moon-lander-heralds-new-lunar-space-race/

2019.02.21 Can we all move to Mars? Prof Martin Rees on space exploration – video https://www.theguardian.com/science/video/2019/feb/21/can-we-all-move-to-mars-prof-martin-rees-on-space-exploration-video

2019.02.22 In Search of Life’s Origins, Japan’s Hayabusa 2 Spacecraft Lands on an Asteroid https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/in-search-of-lifes-origins-japans-hayabusa-2-spacecraft-lands-on-an-asteroid/

2019.02.22 LO­FAR Ra­dio Tele­scope Re­veals Secrets of Solar Storms https://www.astrowatch.net/2019/02/lofar-radio-telescope-reveals-secrets.html

2019.02.22 Signs that Ancient Rivers Flowed Across the Surface of Mars, Billions of Years Ago https://www.universetoday.com/141582/signs-that-ancient-rivers-flowed-across-the-surface-of-mars-billions-of-years-ago/

2019.02.21 If you can observe only one celestial event this month, see this one: March  7  (and  Mar  8) presents  a  good  opportunity  to  catch  a  very thin moon, but binoculars  may  be  needed https://www.astroleague.org/content/if-you-can-observe-only-one-celestial-event-march

2019.02.21 Is NASA Going To Let SpaceX and Boeing Launch? http://nasawatch.com/archives/2019/02/is-nasa-going-t-3.html

2019.02.21 Aboard The First Private Moon Landing Attempt https://scitechdaily.com/aboard-the-first-private-moon-landing-attempt/

2019.02.21 Antarctica is About to Unleash an Iceberg Twice the Size of New York City https://www.universetoday.com/141570/antarctica-is-about-to-unleash-an-iceberg-twice-the-size-of-new-york-city/

2019.02.21 Spacewatch: Nasa to produce new survey of the universeComprehensive mission known as SPHEREx will collect data on more than 300m galaxies https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/feb/21/spacewatch-nasa-to-produce-new-survey-of-the-universe

2019.02.21 Astronomers Publish New Sky Map Detecting a Vast Number of Previously Unknown Galaxies https://www.astrowatch.net/2019/02/astronomers-publish-new-sky-map.html

2019.02.21 Echostar’s take on high-throughput satellites: best bought one at a time https://spacenews.com/echostars-take-on-high-throughput-satellites-best-bought-one-at-a-time/

2019.02.21 NASA Set to Demonstrate X-ray Communications in Space https://www.astrowatch.net/2019/02/nasa-set-to-demonstrate-x-ray.html

2019.02.21 This is a big deal - nasa funded research creates dna-like molecule https://www.whatsupthespaceplace.com/2019/02/this-is-big-deal-nasa-funded-research.html

2019.02.21 DNA Gets a New — and Bigger — Genetic AlphabetDNA is spelled out with four letters, or bases. Researchers have now built a system with eight. It may hold clues to the potential for life elsewhere in the universe and could also expand our capacity to store digital data on Earth https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/21/science/dna-hachimoji-genetic-alphabet.html

2019.02.21 Confirming a Little-Understood Source of the Process Behind Northern Lights and the Formation of Stars https://www.astrowatch.net/2019/02/confirming-little-understood-source-of.html

2019.02.18 Uncovering the military's unlikely role in astrophysics and environmental conservation https://www.latimes.com/books/la-ca-jc-astrophysics-military-environment-20190211-story.html

Young Advocates Set Their Eyes on Tackling Light Pollution https://www.darksky.org/young-advocates-set-their-eyes-on-tackling-light-pollution/

What’s the Weather Like on Mars? Ask InSight Lander https://www.davidreneke.com/whats-the-weather-like-on-mars-ask-insight-lander/

February 22nd, 2019 - Last Night's Falcon 9 Will Fly One More Time, Exploding Mid-Air in Crew Dragon Abort Test https://www.americaspace.com/2019/02/22/last-nights-falcon-9-will-fly-one-more-time-exploding-mid-air-in-crew-dragon-abort-test/

2019.02.22 Shout Out to Japan! Their Hayabusa2 Spacecraft has Collected its First Samples from Asteroid Ryugu https://www.universetoday.com/141593/shout-out-to-japan-their-hayabusa2-spacecraft-has-collected-its-first-samples-from-asteroid-ryugu/

SpaceShipTwo flies to space with 1st ‘test’ passenger - February 22nd, 2019 https://www.spaceflightinsider.com/organizations/virgin-galactic/spaceshiptwo-flies-to-space-with-1st-test-passenger/

2019.02.22 Non-Stop Northern Lights : For 11 non-stop nights in February we had clear skies and Northern Lights in Churchill https://amazingsky.net/2019/02/22/non-stop-northern-lights/

Radio Survey Maps Hundreds of Thousands of New Galaxies - February 22, 2019 - The LOFAR survey, based in The Netherlands, has released a bonanza of new sources. And with only 2% of the sky covered so far, this is only the beginning https://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/radio-survey-maps-hundred-thousand-new-galaxies/

2019.02.22 Science and the EU: how Brexit will impact astronomy https://astrobites.org/2019/02/22/science-and-the-eu-how-brexit-will-impact-astronomy/

2019.02.22 Prelude to galactic catastrophe - Here's a fun thing about galaxies: Sometimes they collide https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/prelude-to-galactic-catastrophe

2019.02.22 Firefly Aerospace gets a Florida launch site https://www.geekwire.com/2019/firefly-aerospace-gets-florida-launch-site/

2019.02.22 Meet WFIRST, The Space Telescope with the Power of 100 Hubbles https://www.universetoday.com/141528/meeet-wfirst-the-space-telescope-with-the-power-of-100-hubbles/

2019.02.22 Toni Myers, Who Directed Three Feature-Length Films Using Imax Technology And Turned Astronauts Into Filmmakers, Dies at 75 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/22/obituaries/toni-myers-dead.html

2019.02.22 First U.S. rocket supporting a Moon lander - the Beresheet - since Apollo 17, and other facts https://space.nss.org/first-u-s-rocket-supporting-a-moon-landing-since-apollo-17/

2019.02.22 New International Moon/Mars Mission Launched at HI-SEAS Habitat https://www.astrowatch.net/2019/02/new-international-moonmars-mission.html

2019.02.22 SOFIA Uncovers Clues to the Evolution of Universe and Search for Life https://www.astrowatch.net/2019/02/sofia-uncovers-clues-to-evolution-of.html

2019.02.22 Ultimate Ultima: New Horizons team shares sharpest view of space snowman https://www.geekwire.com/2019/ultimate-ultima-new-horizons-team-shares-sharpest-view-space-snowman/


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