"Men and Women wanted for a hazardous distributed computing Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Low wages, bitter false positives, long hours of data crunching, overheating CPU's and GPUs. Safe return doubtful without caffeinated beverages. Honour and recognition in event of technosignal detection." (adapted from the apocryphal newspaper ad made by famed explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton)To alleviate the load on the SETI@home servers during Ttuesday's maintenance outages and to give regular users the chance to replenish their work unit caches, the operators of high throughput hosts can set BOINC to temporarily stop polling data servers on this specific day. https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=84048&postid=1986061
BOINC web server fails, gets replaced - The machine hosting the BOINC web site, and Science United, failed last Friday, just after everyone had left for the weekend. Fortunately we were able to move the disks to another computer and we're back online as of this morning. We apologize for the inconvenience. https://boinc.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=13001&postid=91935
Project developer and scientist Matt Lebofsky makes a comeback and clarifies the role of SETI@home within Breakthrough Listen https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=83126&postid=1999821
SETI@home 20th Anniversary Tees - New batch ordered; get yours at cost $13 USD, Shipping cost is country-dependant, S M L XL or 2XL, White https://i.imgur.com/jivPniI.png or Black https://i.imgur.com/EZPhX3Y.jpg Send requests to thread https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=84069&postid=1999498 or send Uli a pm through https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/show_user.php?userid=729113
" Examining a million stellar environments might sound impractical, but it’s not. While it took three years to add 1,300 to the list of observed systems, the speed of the search is increasing. It won’t take a century or two to add a million more. The actual timescale is closer to a decade. That should buoy readers who hope to be among the first humans to learn whether aliens really exist."Search for space aliens comes up empty, but extraterrestrial life could still be out there | SETI Institute https://seti.org/search-space-aliens-comes-empty-extraterrestrial-life-could-still-be-out-there
"There are no guarantees, and SETI rests upon a hypothesis that’s impossible to falsify. It may be that there is an abundance of inhabited worlds but that 21st century SETI tech — mostly listening for alien radio signals — is incapable of detecting them. But such caveats are no reason to stop trying, any more than we should abandon efforts to find a cure for the common cold just because none has yet been found."
SETI has always butted up against the fact that the universe is very large and mostly empty — and that exploring large chunks of it takes a long time. But there’s both hope and expectation that, as the numbers grow, so too will the chance that one day we’ll find a scratchy signal — one that will change all future history.
— Seth Shostack, in "Search for space aliens comes up empty, but extraterrestrial life could still be out there" https://seti.org/search-space-aliens-comes-empty-extraterrestrial-life-could-still-be-out-there
SETI@home, the Alien-Hunting Project for the Nonscientist, Turns 20 - The Ringer https://www.theringer.com/tech/2019/5/24/18637942/seti-home-aliens-citizen-science-extraterrestrial-life-20th-anniversary
Message boards : Nebula : Help evaluate Nebula output https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=84352 Instructions https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/nebula/instructions.php Documentation https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/nebula/web/
The real reason why BOINC goest down during SETI@home scheduled outages finally revealed: "They make this place go down to make it harder to have a party." https://boinc.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=8105&postid=91887#91887 (The SETI IS Down cafe @ BOINC)
in Praise of SETI@home - How We Get To Next https://howwegettonext.com/in-praise-of-seti-home-c124a7461347?gi=b97ae0fe9ffa
"SETI is probably the most important quest of our time, and it amazes me that governments and corporations are not supporting it sufficiently." - Arthur C. Clarke, 2006Breakthrough Listen Releases 1 Million Gigabytes of Data from Its Search for E.T. | Space https://www.space.com/breakthrough-listen-largest-ET-data-release.html http://seti.berkeley.edu/listen2019/ https://gizmodo.com/an-ambitious-search-for-aliens-came-up-short-so-astrob-1835658888
Berkeley SETI's Danny Price and Matt Lebofsky, lead authors of the papers we announced this week, were interviewed on Facebook Live by Seth Shostack and asked what this data release means https://www.facebook.com/SETIInstitute/videos/vb.67487330534/1333520023471758/?type=3&theater
How should we respond to alien contact? Scientists ask the public | Science | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jul/01/do-you-think-that-there-is-alien-life-beyond-earth-first-contact
Where are the aliens? SETI Institute - Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak discusses the Fermi Paradox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXi3K8LusZQ
It's quiet out there: scientists fail to hear signals of alien life - Breakthrough Listen project found no evidence of alien civilisations on 1,327 stars https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jun/18/its-quiet-out-there-scientists-fail-to-hear-signals-of-alien-life
After years of listening, we've heard not a single peep out of any aliens, say boffins. You think you can do better? OK, here's 1PB of signals - The Register https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/06/19/aliens_where_are_they/
NEW DC PROJECT Brainstorm@home http://brainstormhome.org/ investigates the molecular basis of brain-related diseases
WCG: New Climate research project: New Beta Test - May 29, 2019 https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/forums/wcg...ead,41609_offset,0#610450,41609_offset,0#610450
Oxford e-Research Centre teams up with ECMWF to enable scientists to run the OpenIFS weather model on thousands of people s home computers. | climateprediction.net https://www.climateprediction.net/oxford-e-research-centre-teams-up-with-ecmwf-to-enable-scientists-to-run-the-openifs-weather-model-on-thousands-of-peoples-home-computers/
A well rounded, humorous and recently updated article : " The WIRED Guide to Aliens" https://www.wired.com/story/wired-guide-aliens/ Extract: " What to Do When ET Phones: There's a protocol from the International cademy of Astronautics (lightly edited):
1. Scream.
2. Try to make sure, using your own equipment, that message from an alien is the most
likely explanation, way ahead of secret spy satellite or hoax courtesy of nearby laser lab.
3. Alert your alien-questing colleagues that you may have beaten them to the biggest
discovery in (non)human history, and kindly ask them to use their own equipment to confirm
it. Request that they redirect their resources to continuing observation.
4. If your colleagues agree you won, send a message out to all the other earthling astronomers
via the International Astronomical Union. Also, please phone the secretary general of the
United Nations (but gloat less).
5. Send WIRED an encrypted tip of your discovery via Signal.
6. Make the data public so scientists can check your work.
7. Work to protect the frequency at which you received the most important message ever,
so that the signal from a new internet of things toothbrush doesn t interfere with page 17 of
the faster-than-light ship schematic.
8. Don t respond to your new ET BFFs until appropriate international consultations have
taken place.
9. Pop the champagne! "
'Contact' by Carl Sagan and 'Three Body Problem' by Liu Cixin are my favorite science fiction novels. I especially enjoy the first contact theme. What are some others you'd recommend that are on par with these two? : booksuggestions https://www.reddit.com/r/booksuggestions/comments/9b2gjh/contact_by_carl_sagan_and_three_body_problem_by/
Signal Simulator 1.7 Update - fixes and changes - 10 June @ 3:27pm https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=83985&postid=1997778#1997778 Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCtCkK_AtAk https://steamcommunity.com/app/839310
New Video Shows How Humanity Could Spread Throughout the Galaxy https://gizmodo.com/new-video-shows-how-humanity-could-spread-throughout-th-1835873779
NASA s TESS Mission Finds Its Smallest Planet Yet https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2019/nasa-s-tess-mission-finds-its-smallest-planet-yet
NASA unveils new mission, Dragonfly, to fly to Saturn's moon, Titan, which could be home to alien life | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/science/nasa-mission-saturns-titan
New Study Dramatically Narrows The Search For Advanced Life In The Universe - Astrobiology http://astrobiology.com/2019/06/new-study-dramatically-narrows-the-search-for-advanced-life-in-the-universe.html
Why Do People Think There are Aliens in Area 51? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kgz15W7PVU
Scientists Find Bacteria Thriving in Earth Environment That's Just Like Young Mars https://www.newsweek.com/scientists-bacteria-earth-environment-young-mars-1437104
If Aliens Exist, They Will Probably Love Bach | Space https://www.space.com/8951-aliens-exist-love-bach.html
What Was the Wow Signal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDT8xDtliS8
What Are Alien Megastructures ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiLDYM2Asx4
What Comes After James Webb and WFIRST? Four Amazing Future Space Telescopes - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x0RpGa_IXA&t=6s
Big Picture Science – Is Life Inevitable? http://blog.bigpicturescience.org/2019/05/big-picture-science-is-life-inevitable/
Are We The First Advanced Civilization in The Solar System? - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4WZndFzC7w
What If We Do Find Aliens? How Prepared Is Earth For Meeting Extraterrestrials - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtz1wQT1wO8
SETI Institute Activity Report: 1st Quarter 2019 | SETI Institute https://www.seti.org/seti-institute-activity-report-1st-quarter-2019 https://www.seti.org/activity-reports
You've Got Whale | Big Picture Science http://bigpicturescience.org/episodes/youve-got-whale Eavesdropping on non-human communication
SETI Talks 2019 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw6IJozmaWbRKXzeF7v9ywn-8Nmq89QJd
SETI Talks Series | SETI Institute https://www.seti.org/seti-talks - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7B4FE6C62DCB34E1
"Alien Visitation and Kecksburg" : We can often get a good sense of a UFO story's accuracy even without researching all the details; by Brian Dunning https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4681
Farts. OF COURSE. "On Alien Worlds, Extraterrestrials Could Be Spewing a Toxic, Smelly Gas. That's How We Could Find Them." https://www.livescience.com/65791-alien-life-may-spew-toxic-gas.html
For the Love of Science - Science enthusiasts, researchers, and students benefit from volunteer computing using BOINC@TACC - Texas Advanced Computing Center https://www.tacc.utexas.edu/-/for-the-love-of-science
Mysterious interstellar object Oumuamua is not an alien spaceship but scientists are still baffled | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/science/mysterious-interstellar-object-oumuamua-is-not-an-alien-spaceship-but-scientists-are-still-baffled
No Aliens Needed: Odd Properties of the 1st Known Interstellar Visitor, 'Oumuamua, Can Be Natural | Space https://www.space.com/interstellar-oumuamua-not-an-alien-spacecraft.html
Study Sees ‘Oumuamua as a Natural Object + The natural history of ‘Oumuamua | Nature Astronomy https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=82258&postid=2000698
> If there is no solace in the fruits of our research, there is at least some consolation in the research itself. Men and women are not content to comfort themselves with tales of gods and giants, or to confine their thoughts to the daily affairs of life; they also build telescopes and satellites and accelerators and sit at their desks for endless hours working out the meaning of the data they gather. ? Steven WeinbergAstrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon) June 24 through Friday, June 28, 2019 - SpaceRef http://spaceref.com/live/astrobiology.html
Researchers say octopuses hold key to understanding aliens | Fox News Video https://video.foxnews.com/v/6054373859001/#sp=show-clips
Carl Sagan's Solar Sail Is Finally Ready To Fly - The Planetary Society is launching LightSail 2 to fulfill a vision rooted in the future https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/satellites/a28138148/solar-sail-ready-to-fly/
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2019 shortlist in pictures https://www.theguardian.com/science/gallery/2019/jun/19/astronomy-photographer-of-the-year-2019-shortlist-in-pictures
Light pollution from satellites will get worse. But how much? | Astronomy.com http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/06/light-pollution-from-satellites-will-get-worse-but-how-much
The Milky Way still bears scars from a collision with a ghostly galaxy | Astronomy.com http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/06/the-milky-way-still-bears-scars-from-a-collision-with-a-ghostly-galaxy
BiPiSci – Nailing the Moon Landing: Inventing Technology http://blog.bigpicturescience.org/2019/07/bipisci-nailing-the-moon-landing-inventing-technology/
Lunar tales: The first (imaginative) Moon landings | Astronomy.com http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/06/the-first-imaginative-moon-landing
Apollo's influence on science fiction | Astronomy.com http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/05/apollos-influence-on-science-fiction
NASA Releases Stunning Images From Doomed Spitzer Telescope https://medium.com/extremetech-access/nasa-releases-stunning-images-from-doomed-spitzer-telescope-40c2869ed316
NASA is retiring its legendary Spitzer Space Telescope | Astronomy.com http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/06/nasa-is-retiring-its-legendary-spitzer-space-telescope
Ask Ethan: What Happens When Stars Pass Through Our Solar System? https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/ask-ethan-what-happens-when-stars-pass-through-our-solar-system-d6ebddd5d74e
The Third Age of Understanding the Moon has Arrived? ?Are we Ready? https://medium.com/the-cosmic-companion/the-third-age-of-understanding-the-moon-has-arrived-are-we-ready-82ffd02b7a64
Settling the Galaxy: A Look at Our Future in Space Predict Medium https://medium.com/predict/settling-the-galaxy-a-look-at-our-future-in-space-f5239062b213
Ask Ethan: How Close Could Two Alien Civilizations Get To One Another? https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/ask-ethan-how-close-could-two-alien-civilizations-get-to-one-another-770a81f91bd7
10 Disconcerting Fermi Paradox Scenarios - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbqLDmgRjbk
A New View of Exoplanets With NASA s Upcoming Webb Telescope - May 29, 2019 - NASAs James Webb Space Telescope will open a new window on these exoplanets, observing them in wavelengths at which they have never been seen before. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2019/a-new-view-of-exoplanets-with-nasa-s-webb-telescope
NOVA - Origins - Where are the aliens ? With Neil deGrasse Tyson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TnsMKpIqoM
The Not So Dead Sea: Traces of Ancient Bacteria Found in the Lake's Sediments - Scientific American | A new finding points to possible life in other extreme environments, including on ancient Mars https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-not-so-dead-sea-traces-of-ancient-bacteria-found-in-the-lakes-sediments/?redirect=1
Hubblecast 121: Discovering Exoplanets from Transits | ESA/Hubble https://www.spacetelescope.org/announcements/ann1906/?
Breakthrough Watch and European Southern Observatory Achieve First Light on Upgraded Planet-finding Instrument, NEAR - Astrobiology http://astrobiology.com/2019/06/breakthrough-watch-and-european-southern-observatory-achieve-first-light-on-upgraded-planet-finding.html
Alien Life Could Be Hiding Out on Far Fewer Planets Than We Thought | Space https://www.space.com/where-complex-alien-life-exists.html
Hubblecast 121: Discovering Exoplanets from Transits | ESA/Hubble https://www.spacetelescope.org/announcements/ann1906/
Hubblecast 121: Discovering Exoplanets from Transits | ESA/Hubble https://www.spacetelescope.org/announcements/ann1906/
What Happens If China Makes First Contact? - The Atlantic - Pocket https://getpocket.com/explore/item/what-happens-if-china-makes-first-contact
[NYT - Space] NASA Reopens Apollo Mission Control Room That Once Landed Men on Moon https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/29/science/apollo-11-mission-control-nasa.html
[BBC - Science & Environment] Europe heatwave: Why are temperatures on the continent soaring? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-48756480
"SETI does share some traits with religion. It is motivated by deep human desires for connection and transcendence. It concerns itself with questions about human origins, about the raw creative power of nature, and about our future in this universe and it does all this at a time when traditional religions have become unpersuasive to many. Why these aspects of SETI should count against it is unclear. Nor is it clear why Congress should find SETI unworthy of funding, given that the government has previously been happy to spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on ambitious searches for phenomena whose existence was still in question. The expensive, decades-long missions that found black holes and gravitational waves both commenced when their targets were mere speculative possibilities. That intelligent life can evolve on a planet is not a speculative possibility, as Darwin demonstrated. Indeed, SETI might be the most intriguing scientific project suggested by Darwinism." - Ross AndersenThe Space Station May Soon Smell like Fresh-Baked Cookies - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-space-station-may-soon-smell-like-fresh-baked-cookies/
Misinformation is everywhere. These scientists can teach you to fight BS. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/06/24/misinformation-is-everywhere-these-scientists-can-teach-you-fight-bs/
Calling Bullshit Courses 1.1: Introduction to Bullshit - YouTube + series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2OtU5vlR0k&list=PLPnZfvKID1Sje5jWxt-4CSZD7bUI4gSPS
They Kinda Want to Believe Apollo 11 Was Maybe a Hoax - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/01/science/moon-landing-hoax-conspiracy-theory.html?emc=rss&partner=rss
"There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking." - Alfred Korzybsk, Polish-American scientist and philosopher (born 3 JulHow not to trash the planet at a music festival -> http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/cnn_topstories/~3/CkUgUyP5_Og/index.html
Books that introduce advanced tech into primitive Civs : printSF https://old.reddit.com/r/printSF/comments/c6dqwq/books_that_introduce_advanced_tech_into_primitive/
Scientists closer to unraveling mechanisms of speech processing in the brain -> https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-06-scientists-closer-unraveling-mechanisms-speech.html
Why these strange, reclusive arachnids fled underground in evolutionary waves -> https://www.foxnews.com/science/why-these-strange-reclusive-arachnids-fled-underground-in-evolutionary-waves
New evidence shows crash with Antlia 2 gave the Milky Way the ripples in its outer disc | Rochester Institute of Technology | RIT https://www.rit.edu/news/new-evidence-shows-crash-antlia-2-gave-milky-way-ripples-its-outer-disc
ESA Announces Mothership Mission to Intercept Comets https://futurism.com/the-byte/esa-mission-intercept-comet
European Space Agency probe to intercept a comet - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48696024
Orion Capsule's Launch-Abort System: How It Works | Space https://www.space.com/nasa-orion-launch-abort-system-explainer.html
An Orbit Map of the Solar System http://tabletopwhale.com/2019/06/10/the-solar-system.html
NASA helicopter passes key tests on road to Mars flight – Astronomy Now https://astronomynow.com/2019/06/10/nasa-helicopter-passes-key-tests-on-road-to-mars-flight/
Where We Are: An At-A-Glance Spacecraft Locator | The Planetary Society http://www.planetary.org/explore/the-planetary-report/where-we-are-spacecraft-locator-july-2019.html
Three Canadian radar surveillance satellites ride SpaceX rocket into orbit Spaceflight Now https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/12/three-canadian-radar-surveillance-satellites-ride-spacex-rocket-into-orbit/
Canada s Next-generation RADARSAT Satellite Constellation Successfully Launches to Space Parabolic Arc http://www.parabolicarc.com/2019/06/12/canadas-nextgeneration-radarsat-satellite-constellation-successfully-launches-space/
'One Giant Leap' Recalls The Ordinary People Behind The Moon Landing : NPR https://www.npr.org/2019/06/12/731660780/one-giant-leap-explores-the-herculean-effort-behind-the-1969-moon-landing
No, This Is Not A Hole In The Universe Starts With A Bang! Medium https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/no-this-is-not-a-hole-in-the-universe-80a4bf81dd9e
Hubble Image of the Week - NGC 4051, An Explosive Galaxy https://scitechdaily.com/hubble-image-of-the-week-an-explosive-galaxy/
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Synoptic_Survey_Telescope Welcome | https://www.lsst.org/
Ending in 2020, NASA's Infrared Spitzer Mission Leaves a Gap in Astronomy - Scientific American | Delays to the James Webb Space Telescope will result in at least a yearlong hiatus in space-based infrared observations https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ending-in-2020-nasas-infrared-spitzer-mission-leaves-a-gap-in-astronomy/
Interview: The Once and Future Moon - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/interview-the-once-and-future-moon/
NASA to open International Space Station to tourists - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48560874
How the Webb Telescope Will Explore Mars - June 4, 2019 - When NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, launching in 2021, reaches its destination a million miles from Earth, it will be able to see the whole disk of Mars every two years. If a global dust storm envelops the Red Planet at a time when Webb could see it, the powerful space telescope could gather information about the storm. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/how-the-webb-telescope-will-explore-mars
Mars: The box seeking to answer the biggest question: is there life on Mars^ - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-20323384
Space's Deepest Secrets Season 3 Episode 4 Search for Alien Earths - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ9xmHKTmSg
S03E15 - Search for Alien Life Air Date: Nov 27, 2017 21:00 - 2 years ago
New discoveries uncover possible evidence of alien life. This episode is a mashup of "Space's Deepest Secrets", S02E9, "Stranger Signals from Alien Worlds" and another Science Channel special, "Search for Alien Planets".
S03E07 - Expedition Extraterrestrial Air Date: Oct 03, 2017 21:00 - 2 years ago
Scientists on the hunt for extraterrestrial life suspect that it might be closer than we think: our very own solar system; using the latest discoveries, experts might, at last, confirm that our neighbors might harbor alien life.
S06E11 - Mars's Alien Secrets Air Date: May 28, 2019 22:00 - 7 days ago
BBC 100 Women - BBC Reel - The astronomer Caroline Herschel discovered eight comets. https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p06s6w9x/bringing-caroline-herschel-out-of-her-brother-s-shadow
BBC World Service - 13 Minutes to the Moon - Downloads https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xttx2/episodes/downloads
Here s what WFIRST will find? ?if we can save it. Graham Doskoch Medium - Simulations show that the next-generation space telescope will be truly extraordinary https://medium.com/@HDE226868/heres-what-wfirst-will-find-if-we-can-save-it-bb61f998f0f
Eternal darkness on the Moon s poles and future colonies https://medium.com/@uncertainquark/eternal-darkness-on-the-moons-poles-and-future-colonies-b71e630c60b1
The Anthropocene Era: Scientists Vote to Declare New Epoch Due to Humanity's Colossal Impact on the Planet https://www.newsweek.com/anthropocene-era-scientists-vote-declare-new-epoch-due-humanitys-colossal-1437021
Islands in the Dark | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/posts/1105
Our Sun, the Still-mysterious Star That Gives Us Life | DiscoverMagazine.com http://discovermagazine.com/2019/july/ewk-the-sun
Two Decades of 'Growing Up' with Spitzer - NASA Spitzer Space Telescope http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/explore/blog/417-Two-Decades-of-Growing-Up-with-Spitzer
Five Things to Know About NASA s Deep Space Atomic Clock Parabolic Arc http://www.parabolicarc.com/2019/06/12/nasas-deep-space-atomic-clock/
SpaceX successfully launches first 60 satellites in massive Starlink internet constellation - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/15/18624630/spacex-elon-musk-starlink-internet-satellites-falcon-9-rocket-launch-live
As satellite constellations grow larger, NASA is worried about orbital debris - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/28/17906158/nasa-spacex-oneweb-satellite-large-constellations-orbital-debris
NASA picks three companies to send robotic landers to the Moon to study the lunar surface - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/31/18647357/nasa-clps-moon-robotic-lunar-landers-artemis-astrobotic-orbit-beyond-intuitive-machines
"TMRO.Space and TMRO.Science Live Shows" (Orbit 12-20 : Project Artemis and going back to the moon) begins shortly after 7m 48s https://youtu.be/FmT6Cd-EuxA&t=7m48s
Rise of the Supertelescopes Part 1 - Ground Telescopes - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR_uEh0qhk4
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PstUvHlKEg
SpaceX Starlink satellites flying last night as viewed from Earth.
Scientists Model Costs of Geoengineering Effort to Dim the Sun https://medium.com/extremetech-access/scientists-model-costs-of-geoengineering-effort-to-dim-the-sun-45c24c972386?
Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment - IOPscience https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aae98d#erlaae98ds5
GEBCO-NF Alumni robots win ocean-mapping XPRIZE - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48473701
Could a supernova have made humans bipedal? http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/05/could-a-supernova-have-made-humans-bipedal
Who Started the Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Theory? - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SnUaeMuyB0
Deep-Space Shielding - Scientific American Blog Network | Lithium hydride could protect humans from radiation on the way to Mars and be useful when they get there https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/life-unbounded/deep-space-shielding/
Sabine Hossenfelder: Backreaction: Guest Post: A conversation with Lee Smolin about his new book "Einstein s Unfinished Revolution" http://backreaction.blogspot.com/2019/06/a-conversation-with-lee-smolin-about.html
There s Something Massive Buried Under the Moon s Far Side astroengine.com https://astroengine.com/2019/06/11/theres-something-massive-buried-under-the-moons-far-side/
It's Been Exactly One Year Since Opportunity Sent This Final Message Home - on its 5,111th Martian Day - Universe Today https://www.universetoday.com/142501/its-been-exactly-one-year-since-opportunity-sent-this-final-message-home-on-its-5111th-martian-day/
BBC World Service - 13 Minutes to the Moon, Ep.05: The fourth astronaut - The Apollo 11 computer and software that got us to the moon https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csz4dn
Perfecting the technology needed for starshades Astronomy Now https://astronomynow.com/2019/06/14/a-mind-boggling-starshade-studied-to-reveal-exoplanets/
Inside the 'secret underground lair' where scientists are searching the galaxies https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2019-06-17/inside-super-kamiokande-360-tour/11209104
Canada's longest space mission comes to an end - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-48766731/canada-s-longest-space-mission-comes-to-an-end
To be scientifically literate is to empower yourself to know when someone else is full of shit.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Total solar eclipse 2019: Sky show hits South America - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48828100
Here's the First Image from the Only Total Solar Eclipse of 2019! | Space https://www.space.com/2019-total-solar-eclipse-first-image.html
Climate change: Heatwave made 'at least' five times more likely by warming - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48838
Bird feeding chick cigarette end captured in picture - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48842178
Dragonfly: Drone helicopter to fly on Saturn's moon, Titan - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48799315
Senators get classified briefing on UFO sightings - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/19/warner-classified-briefing-ufos-1544273
Wow, What Is That? Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/26/us/politics/ufo-sightings-navy-pilots.html
The chart that defines our warming world - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48678196
Science Posters Suck. So Let s Reinvent Them. https://futurism.com/science-posters-suck-reinvent-them
These New Smart Lightbulbs Can Beam Data Through Light https://futurism.com/the-byte/signify-truelifi-smart-lightbulb
The Problem with Quantum Computers https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-problem-with-quantum-computers/
The language of physics | symmetry magazine https://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/the-language-of-physics
[Scientific American] Watch a Raging Forest Fire Surround You in 360 Degrees http://rss.sciam.com/~r/ScientificAmerican-News/~3/LEfSzzRH3mk/ 2019-06-12T10:45:00
[10:58:41] [ Scientific method: Defend the integrity of physics : Nature News & Comment ] - https://bit.ly/2Wzo96z
How historic Jupiter comet impact led to planetary defense https://phys.org/news/2019-07-historic-jupiter-comet-impact-planetary.html
Apollo's Bounty: The Science of the Moon Rocks - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/apollos-bounty-the-science-of-the-moon-rocks/
When Earth and the Moon Were One - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/when-earth-and-the-moon-were-one/
NASA used DUCT TAPE to fix Apollo 13, documentary reveals https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1138275/nasa-apollo-10-snoopy-moon-capsule-royal-astronomical-society-spacex-space-news
Chemical Pi - Using the periodic table to memorize that celebrated number - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/chemical-pi/
FAQ: How Does New Trump Fetal Policy Impact Medical Research? - Scientific American | Changes could endanger promising medical research https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/faq-how-does-new-trump-fetal-policy-impact-medical-research/
The Funniest Math Joke - Scientific American Blog Network | Because you know it has to be when you write 400 words explaining it https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/roots-of-unity/the-funniest-math-joke/
Large Ebola outbreaks new normal, says WHO - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/health-48547983
What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (2018, Film) Cin S ries https://www.cineserie.com/movies/2163745/
Britain s top secret laboratory - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-48504670/inside-britain-s-top-secret-research-laboratory
Why Are Alternate Names Called Nicknames? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3V7hquFegM
Apparently We've All Been Pronouncing UFO Wrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeIjyLYbkUU
What Ever Happened to Everyone's Friend MySpace Tom? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcpgmzHVc1E
Why Did Neil Armstrong Get to Be the First to Walk on the Moon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo1Zfs-tPds
Are More People Really Killed by Vending Machines Than Sharks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iglWgCfJBfA
Sea Level Rise Can No Longer Be Stopped, What Next? https://youtu.be/MvqY2NcBWI8
[BBC - Science & Environment] Philippines sends tonnes of rubbish back to Canada https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-48455440 2019-05-31T03:08:45
Did an era of lightning burn humanity out of the trees? - Big Think https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/supernova-human-evolution
Can we feed 11 billion people while preventing the spread of infectious disease? https://phys.org/news/2019-07-billion-people-infectious-disease.html
A Bulwark against Trump's Stem Cell Ban - Scientific American Blog Network https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/a-bulwark-against-trumps-stem-cell-ban/
Retire all existing and planned fossil fuel power plants to limit warming to 1.5°C https://phys.org/news/2019-07-fossil-fuel-power-limit-15c.html
End online hate by treating it like a virus - Big Think
Iceland to build first temple to Norse gods in 1,000 years - Telegraph
Lyme disease vaccine: the frustrating reason there isn t one for humans - Vox https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/5/7/17314716/lyme-disease-vaccine-history-effectiveness
New York bans religious exemptions for vaccines amid measles outbreak - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48625990
Language wars: the 19 greatest linguistic spats of all time https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jun/17/language-wars-18-greatest-linguistic-spats
Mini-AIR (Annals of Improbable Research): The simplest way to keep informed about Improbable and Ig Nobel news and events about research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK. https://www.improbable.com/airchives/miniair/2019/mini2019-06.htm https://www.improbable.com/airchives/miniair/
They Kinda Want to Believe Apollo 11 Was Maybe a Hoax - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/01/science/moon-landing-hoax-conspiracy-theory.html?emc=rss&partner=rss
Music to Contemplate the Night Sky Astro Bob http://astrobob.areavoices.com/2019/06/12/music-to-contemplate-the-night-sky/
MINIKIN "THROUGH THE CLOUDS" BASSME12 par Bass Me Records https://soundcloud.com/bass_me/clouds
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